Sunday, February 11, 2007

Lots of Milestones

Summer has had some major growth spurts this past week. First of all, she began deliberately reaching for her rattle. It was very exciting when grammy put Summer's cloth rattle in front of her and she reached out with her left hand and grabbed it. (Ron thinks Summer's a lefty.) She even tries to bring her toys up to her mouth. She hasn't quite mastered that skill yet but she's close!

She also engages in long, expressive conversations with us. She has a lot to say. I don't understand her but she's talking! Summer will join into any conversation no matter what, whether it be in the middle of Starbuck's at Barnes and Noble or during mid-feeding at 1AM.

Also for the last 2 nights Summer has slept through the night! I, mom, did not. I was a nervous wreck, waking up at her usual times to listen (Is she still breathing?) But she was fine, snoozing away. Just growing up too fast. I even had to pack her newborn clothes away because she is too long for them, now. That was sad, but exciting at the same times.

Here is Summer with her new mirror:

"Who in the heck is that?!"

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